
UKSOL is an award winning, independent, private British solar technology company based in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, UK.

Our core business is the production of high quality UKSOL solar PV modules which we ship globally to distributors and solar installers. We don’t sell directly to the public. All our solar modules come with a 30 year British warranty supported from the UK.

Call the UKSOL global sales team today if you wish discuss becoming an exclusive local distributor in your country.

UK Head office:

UKSOL head offive in gerrards cross, buckinghamshire, england

1 Chalfont park
Gerrards cross
Buckinghamshire, SL9 0BG, UK

Email: info@uksol.uK

UK& Worldwide Sales: +44 (0) 1753 910327

Sales WhatsApp: +44 7949 489911

UK & International Team


Andrew Moore

Sales Director

WhatsApp: +44 7949 489911

Email: andrew@uksol.uk


Guy Bastable

UK and International Sales

WhatsApp: +44 7729 801487

Email: guy@uksol.uk

Headshot of Cindy Olivera

Cindy Olivera

Sales Spanish Speaking Markets

WhatsApp: +51 933 353 019

Email: cindy@uksol.uk


Jude Cornish

Digital Team

Email: jude@solaronsteroids.com

Joe Garbutt

Social Media

Email: joegarbutt@solaronsteroids.com

diego baraldi

Brazil Country Manager

Email: diego@uksol.uk

WhatsApp: +55 21  99426 6727

Middle East EPC Office

UKSOL Energy Logo

UKSOL Energy KSA is the group name for Sustainable Power Company LLC (CR number 7034050455)

Contact: Tahseen AlQaimary, WhatsApp +962 7 9204 3379

Level 1, Building No. 7
Zone A, The Business Gate, Airport Road
Riyadh 11683 BO 93597, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Tel: +966- 509878466, info@uksolenergyksa.com


UKSOL Commercial Solar project

Tahseen AlQaimary and Andrew Moore in Riyadh, KSA

Exclusive Sri Lanka Distributor:


A plus eco logo

No: M3, Millennium City Cross Road, Millennium City, Athurugriya, 10150. Sri Lanka.

Email: info@apluseco.lk

Call us: 011 20 80 605 Mobile: +94 777260469


general Enquiry Form:


UKSOL Stocks Also available internationally….

UK & International DEALER SEARCH

UKSOL has dealers worldwide with stocks of UKSOL panels available for purchase today.

UKSOL does not publish contact details of international dealers because of the risk of scammers etc.

Please email sales@uksol.uk for details of your nearest international UKSOL stockist or complete the form below: