British Ambassador Launch Bolpegas/UKSOL Solar Partnership in Bolivia

British Ambassador Launch Bolpegas/UKSOL Solar Partnership in Bolivia

Ambassador Jeff Glekin participated yesterday in the launch of the Bolpegas S.R.L company's ′′ Renewable Energies - Road to Energy Transition ′′ division.

On the occasion, Bolpegas presented its ′′ Photovoltaic Solar Park ", a system consisting of 48 solar panels from UKSOL the British solar PV panel company, renowned British company with extensive experience in the development and manufacturing of these products. Both companies have a trade agreement for the representation of a wide range of products for Bolivia.

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I am pleased to celebrate with you the beginning of this initiative, which combines the 25 years of experience and leadership of BOLPEGAS in the energy field in Bolivia, led by Ricardo Carrillo and his excellent team in Santa Cruz, and the technological momentum of British company UK Sol run by Andrew Moore from its offices outside London ", Ambassador Glekin said.

The system implemented allows 60 % savings from electricity consumption, mitigating the emission of 10 tons of CO2 per year, which is equivalent to planting 242 trees.