New UKSOL Distributor in Kenya

UKSOL Ltd (UKSOL) has signed Broch International Ltd. (Broch) as its new distributor in Kenya.

Broch founded in 1998 by its Managing Director, Charles Njendu recently signed for the exclusive distributorship of the UKSOL solar panels for Kenya. Broch supplies equipment to the East African energy industry. Its scope of supplies and services is diverse; ranging from the critical replacement of essential parts and components to the supply of heavy equipment and tools that drive the industry.

Broch hopes to widely distribute the panels to contractors working on irrigation projects and the lighting of mainly rural homes but also urban homes too.  The impact of this is that there will be reduced reliance on thermal power which is not conducive to the environment as opposed to the preferable alternative of solar energy which is clean.

Kenya is seen as a noted leader in its ambitions for off-grid solar technology and aims to achieve access for all Kenyans to electricity by 2022.[1]

Andrew Moore, CEO of UKSOL said:

 ‘UKSOL is excited to be working with Broch in Kenya; a country with significant ambitions for clean energy and a place where we can make a real difference.  We look forward to delivering on this project and developing our work in Kenya.’

 Charles Njendu, Managing Director of Broch said:

 ‘We’re excited by this opportunity because Kenya is a leading light in the pioneering of clean energy in the African continent. There’re many solar projects not just in Kenya but in the region and we look forward to supporting them by providing quality UKSOL panels.’

 ‘The world is going green and Broch aims at playing a significant role in facilitating the generation of green energy in Africa; thereby shaping the future of not only energy but the future of the continent as well.’
